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Fugitive Trackdown Page 16

  He let his gaze wander around the room and to the windows at the top of the walls. The light that had been filtering in for the past few hours wasn’t as bright as it had been earlier, and he wondered if Claire had noticed.

  Her attitude during the time since they’d been brought to the casino had amazed him. For the past hour, though, she’d become quiet, and he thought she’d even begun to snore.

  She stirred, and he stilled. “Claire, are you awake?”

  “I think I was about to nod off. Thanks for waking me. Do you have any idea what time it is?”

  “I think it’s approaching late afternoon.”

  “That means they’ll be coming for us soon.”

  The tremor in her voice sent a momentary shock of pain through him. “I don’t want you to think of that right now.”

  “Have you made any progress in getting free?”

  “Some, but not what I need yet.”

  * * *

  “You can be honest with me. Do you think we’re going to get out of here?”

  “Claire, I’m still...”

  “It’s okay,” she interrupted. “I know you’re trying, but I’m beginning to doubt we’re going to make it out of this alive. I’ve tried to be brave, but we can’t ignore the fact that we’re in a lot of trouble here. I want to tell you once more I’m sorry for bringing you into this.”

  He closed his eyes and bit down on his lip. Her voice sounded so wistful and almost as if she’d given up. He grasped her fingers as tightly as he could. “Claire, I’m right where I’m supposed to be.”

  Her sob drifted to his ear. “Oh, Adam, it’s just not fair. I started this, and I should be the one paying the price. Not you. You don’t deserve this.”

  A laugh from the top of the stairs echoed across the room, and the lights blinked on. Heavy footsteps sounded on the stairs.

  “But I’m afraid you’re right where you need to be at this moment. But don’t worry, you won’t be for long.”

  Adam couldn’t turn his head far enough to see who was coming down the stairs, but from the sound he knew it had to be more than one person. Claire gasped as the group approached them, and he tried to twist his head to see what had surprised her.

  “What are you doing here?” she demanded.

  “Just checking on you and your friend, Miss Walker,” a man’s voice replied.

  Adam still couldn’t see who had spoken. “Who are you?”

  The man moved around to stand in front of him, and Adam’s mouth dropped open. He couldn’t believe who stood in front of him.

  * * *

  Whitney Hamilton grinned down at Claire before he walked around to face Adam. “You two look a little under the weather, Mr. Knight.” He turned to Brian Morrison, who stood right behind him. “Haven’t you been seeing to the needs of our guests, Brian?”

  Brian smiled and nodded. “Just like you ordered, Mr. Hamilton.”

  He walked back around to Claire and squatted down to face her. “Too bad James missed you at the bank that day. We could all have been spared what’s about to happen.”

  Claire gasped. “You were the one who had James try to run us down?”

  Whitney grinned. “Guilty. But I’m afraid it didn’t work out too well with James. After the police officers at the scene told me they’d identified the car as James’s, I knew he had to be eliminated. It wouldn’t have taken much for the police to break him down, and that wouldn’t have been good for any of us.”

  “How can you talk about killing someone so callously?” Claire asked. “We saw your men murder Wes Stratton, and I suppose you’re guilty of ordering the deaths of Lance Morgan and Jonathan Fields, too.”

  Whitney shook his head and pursed his lips. “Yeah. Lance’s and Jonathan’s deaths were so sad, but they should have kept their noses out of our business. As for Wes, he knew the consequences of not repaying a gambling debt. He would have gone to the police, too, if we hadn’t stopped him.”

  Claire studied the man standing before her and was bewildered at how someone could talk so casually about causing the deaths of other people. “I don’t understand. What are you doing mixed up with these criminals. Do you have a spider tattoo I haven’t seen?”

  His eyes widened for a moment, and then he shook his head. “No, and I don’t intend to ever have one. So that’s why we’re going to end your snooping into our business tonight.”

  Claire glanced from Whitney to Brian to Peter, who stood to the side. “It looks like everybody’s here to see what happens except Mr. Kendall. When does he arrive?”

  Brian and Peter chuckled, and Whitney shook his head. “I’m afraid he’s in the dark as far as our business venture is concerned. All he ever did was approve the loan to Serenity, and as long as the payments on the note arrive on time, he’s not worried. He might be if he knew how much money I’m feeding into offshore accounts through his bank from our real Serenity enterprises in Tennessee, Arkansas and Georgia.”

  “You have gambling houses in three states?” Claire strained against the ropes that held her. “You can’t get away with this forever.”

  “Maybe not, but by the time anybody finds out, all of us will be gone and living it up on a remote island somewhere.”

  From the other side of the column, Adam spoke up. “It sounds like you have figured out how you’re going to have a wonderful life, Hamilton. Too bad people like Claire’s father, Lance Morgan, Jonathan Fields and Wes Stratton won’t get to live theirs.”

  Whitney shrugged. “They shouldn’t have gotten involved, just like the two of you shouldn’t.” He rose to his feet. “I have to go now. This is the biggest weekend of the year. We have high rollers coming in from all over the country, and I don’t want anything to cause our special guests any problems.”

  “So where does that leave us?” Adam asked.

  “Not in a very good position, I’m afraid,” Whitney answered.

  Before he could turn and leave, a female voice called out from the stairs. “Peter? Whit? Are you down there?”

  Peter turned and stared toward the sound. “Yeah. What is it?”

  Light footsteps sounded on the stairs, and Claire’s eyes grew wide as Peter’s wife came into view. She didn’t glance at Claire or Adam but stared at her husband. “The limo driver just called. The plane bringing our guests from California landed about thirty minutes ago in Memphis, and they’ll be here soon. Maria is serving dinner in the guest dining room. We want everything to be perfect for them.”

  Peter glanced at Whitney. “They’re the ones we’ve been trying to get to come here for a long time. They don’t care how much they lose.”

  Whitney nodded and glanced at Peter’s wife, who still stood on the stairs. “Thanks, sis. We’ll be there in a few minutes.”

  “Sis?” Claire and Adam spoke at the same time.

  Claire glared at Peter. “So that’s the family connection Jonathan Fields thought you had in the bank.”

  Whitney chuckled. “Yeah, she’s my sister. Not that it’s going to do you any good to know that.” He inhaled and glanced back at Claire and Adam. “Wait until the evening is well under way with the music and the noise level loud before you do anything with these two. Afterward check back with me.”

  The men turned and walked back up the stairs. At the top they switched the light off, and the darkness that flooded the room seeped into Claire’s heart. For the first time she felt despair, and she wanted to cry. She blinked the tears from her eyes and clutched at Adam’s fingers.

  “Adam, I never believed it would come to this. Is it really the end for us?”

  Adam sat up straighter and took a deep breath. “Not if I have anything to say about it. Hold on, Claire. We’re getting out of here.”

  “Can I do anything to help?” she called out.

�m going to lean forward and try to loosen this rope around my chest some more. I don’t want to hurt you, but it’s going to exert some pressure against you.”

  “Don’t worry about me. Just get us out of here.”

  “Okay. Here goes.”

  Adam inhaled and pulled forward as far as he could. He exhaled and sank back against the post. “Are you all right, Claire?”

  “I’m fine. Try again.”

  He took another breath, pulled forward, and the rope loosened. “It’s getting looser! One more time. Are you okay?”

  “Yes. Hurry, Adam.”

  He gave one last tug, and the rope slipped over his shoulders to hang loosely around his neck. He turned his head sideways and scooted his head out of the loop. “I’m out of the rope. Now it’s your turn.”

  Within minutes he was on his feet and kneeling next to Claire. When he had her free, he pulled her to her feet, and she threw her arms around him. “Adam, I knew you’d think of something.”

  He closed his eyes and hugged her closer and then released his hold. “We aren’t safe yet. We’ve still got to get out of here.”

  He took her by the hand, and they ran to the stairs. When they reached the first step, Claire stopped. Adam glanced back at her, and her face had suddenly grown pale. She stared up at the door. “I think I heard them locking the door when they left. How will we get out if it’s locked?”

  The same thought had been running through his head. “I don’t know.” He took a deep breath and stared up at the door. “There’s only one way to find out.”

  Adam put his foot on the first step but he froze in place. He suddenly knew the door had been locked because the distinct sound of a lock being turned drifted down the stairs.

  Somebody was about to enter the basement.

  * * *

  Claire clamped her hand over her mouth to keep from screaming aloud. Before the lights could click on, Adam grabbed her around the waist and pulled her away from the steps and against the wall that enclosed the stairwell. They huddled against it in silence as the lights blinked on and someone descended.

  The person reached the bottom, took a step into the room and stopped. Claire’s eyes widened at the sight of Maria, the maid she and Adam had met at Peter Willis’s house. She held a plate of food in her hands and turned slowly. Her eyes grew large, and the plate dropped to the floor where it shattered into pieces.

  She opened her mouth to scream, but Adam was quicker. He leaped across the floor, grabbed her and had his hand over her mouth before she could make a sound.

  He stared down at her. “I’m not going to hurt you. I just don’t want you to alert anyone. Do you understand?”

  Claire rushed to Adam’s side. “Don’t be afraid of us, Maria.” She looked down at a sandwich that lay at her feet and the cookies that were scattered about. “Were you bringing us food?”

  Maria cast a terrified glance in Adam’s direction and nodded.

  “Did someone tell you to feed us?” Claire asked.

  Maria shook her head.

  “Then you were doing it because you wanted to help us?”

  Again Maria nodded.

  “Then I believe you have a good heart and wouldn’t want to hurt us.”

  Maria frowned and shook her head.

  Adam’s hand loosened some, but he didn’t pull back. “If I release you, do you promise not to do anything that will send a signal to your friends that we’re loose?” She glanced from Claire to him before she nodded.

  Claire stepped closer. “Then we’re going to trust you, Maria.”

  Adam pulled his hand away from Maria’s mouth, and she took a deep breath. “One thing you should know,” she said. “They’re not my friends.”

  Adam frowned. “Then what are you doing with them?”

  She sighed and shook her head. “I came to Memphis because I wanted to be there for my brother, Louis, when he got out of prison. I got a job working as a maid at one of the hotels and was doing well. Louis and I moved into an apartment, and he told me he had gotten a job working for a man who was trying to help him get his life turned around. He said the man worked in a bank and needed someone to do his gardening, and he said the man’s wife needed a maid.”

  “He was working for Peter Willis?” Adam asked.

  “Yes. Louis said it would be a lot easier working for this man’s wife than cleaning hotel rooms. I went to see her, and she hired me. It wasn’t until later I found out about their gambling business and how much Louis was involved.”

  “Why didn’t you go to the police?”

  A tear ran down Maria’s cheek. “I didn’t want Louis to go back to jail. So I ignored everything I saw. I’ve begged Louis to get out, but he says it’s too late. And to tell the truth I don’t think he wants out anymore.”

  She began to cry, and Claire touched her shoulder. “Maria, why did you bring the food down to us?”

  “I heard Mr. Willis and Louis talking about you, and I remembered when you came to see Mrs. Willis. I didn’t want Louis to be involved in killing anybody. I decided I’d do something to help you. At the time all I could think about was that you must be hungry, but I think I really came to do more than give you something to eat.”

  Claire leaned closer. “Are you saying you want to help us get out of here?”

  She nodded. “They’re going to come for you soon. I think you need to go now. When you get to the upstairs hallway, turn to your left, and you’ll see a door with an exit sign over it. Once outside, take the path that leads into the woods.”

  Adam glanced up the stairs and back at Maria. “Okay, but you need to come with us.”

  Her eyes grew wide. “I can’t. They will kill Louis if I do. You two go. I’ll clean up the spilled food and go back upstairs. When they find you’re gone, maybe they won’t suspect I had anything to do with it.”

  “Please come with us,” Claire begged.

  She shook her head. “I can’t.”

  “Claire, we have to go,” Adam said. He grasped her hand and pulled her toward the steps.

  They’d just reached the staircase when Maria called out. “Wait!” They turned, and she held out a cell phone as she ran to them. “Take this and call the police when you’re out of here. Please hurry.”

  Adam hesitated only a second before he grabbed the phone, stuck it in his pocket, and pulled Claire up the stairs. At the top he opened the door and peeked into the hall. Then he stepped through the doorway with Claire right behind.

  Claire glanced back at the basement door and said a quick prayer for Maria’s safety before they ran toward the exit. Adam pushed the outside door open and they dashed for the safety of the woods.


  Adam hoped he wasn’t running too fast for Claire to keep up. He looked over his shoulder, and the look of concentration on her face assured him she was managing so far. He slowed when they reached the woods and stopped so they could catch their breath.

  “Are you all right?” he asked.

  “I’m fine, just worried about Maria. Do you think they’ll hurt her?”

  “I don’t know.” He pulled the cell phone from his pocket and tapped in 911.

  A dispatcher answered right away. “911. What is your emergency?”

  “My name is Adam Knight. My friend Claire Walker and I have just escaped from some men who’ve held us hostage at the Serenity Wellness Center. We discovered they have an illegal gambling facility set up on the grounds, and they were going to kill us. We need help.”

  “I’m dispatching officers to Serenity right now. Where is this gambling facility?”

  “When the officers approach the main building at Serenity, they’ll see a road that turns to the right. Follow that until they come to a big barn. That’s the casino.”

given them the instructions. Anything else?”

  “Yes, you need to notify Bill Diamond at the Memphis FBI office. We discovered these guys have casinos in Arkansas and Georgia, too. They’re involved in interstate gambling which puts it under the FBI’s jurisdiction.”

  “We’ll let him know. Now I need you to stay on the phone with me until our officers arrive.”

  Adam was about to respond when he heard the agitated barking of dogs from the far side of the casino. His fingers tightened around the phone as he sprang to his feet. “I’m afraid I can’t do that. They’re coming after us, and we have to run. Tell your guys to hurry.”

  With that he ended the call, grabbed Claire by the hand and ran toward the river. “Adam,” she cried out. “Are they tracking us with dogs?”

  “That’s what it sounds like. Can you keep up with me?”

  “Don’t worry. I can make it.”

  She’d no sooner uttered the words than her hand slipped from his, and he heard a thud behind him. He jerked to a stop and spun around. Claire lay writhing on the ground.

  He dropped down beside her. “What happened?”

  “I tripped over an exposed root. I’ve reinjured the ankle I hurt the other night.”

  “Can you walk?”

  She sat up and rubbed her ankle. “I don’t know.”

  The dogs’ barks sounded louder as they echoed on the night air.

  He put his hands under her arms and helped her to her feet. When she tried to put her right foot down, she winced with pain and sagged against him.

  Adam scooped her up in his arms and dashed in the direction of the river. She looped her arms around his neck and held on as they raced through the night.

  With each step he could hear the dogs coming closer. When he was about to think they’d never reach the river, he broke through the trees and onto the path they’d traveled earlier in the day.

  He debated which way to go. His car would have been moved hours ago from the clearing, so there was no use in going there. The path to his left seemed the best option. He turned and ran in that direction.

  With each step the trail grew narrower, and within minutes the bluff along the right side of the path had dropped into the river. He tightened his hold on Claire as he struggled to keep his footing on the steep hillside. There was no other choice than to go forward, and they descended a few inches at a time. Suddenly he stopped. They had reached a point that he could see what lay in front of them. Instead of the path along the riverbank he’d hoped for, he saw that the trail disappeared into the water. What should he do now?