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Igniting the Flame (Firebrand Series) Page 5

  Her amusement grew with each question, until she finally stopped on the path and faced him. She smiled, but he narrowed his eyes and squinted at her. “Mr. DeHan,” she said, “if I were in your shoes, I’d be suspicious of any woman my son brought home, especially if it’s the first one, as Ash and Richard tell me I am. You want to know all about me, and I don’t mind telling you anything you want to know. But in order to save time, I’ll give you a quick run-down on my life. Ash has told you my background, where I grew up, went to school, who I work for, and so forth. In addition to that, I want you to know I have never been arrested, I’ve never done drugs, and I don’t smoke or drink. I’m not interested in your money. I’ve never had money, so I don’t know what I’ve been missing, and I’m quite content with that. I have no idea where my relationship with Ash is going, but I do love him. So for the sake of your son, I hope we can be friends.”

  He regarded her with that somber stare. Then his mouth crinkled at the corners, and he smiled. “Raymond Hathaway told me you were opinionated and forthcoming, and I see he was right.”

  Lainey’s eyes widened. “You talked to my boss about me?”

  He nodded. “Of course. I like to know about the people who come into my sons’ lives. Especially women. Raymond is a friend of mine, and I wanted to know what he thought of you. He likes you a lot, Lainey.”

  “I like him, too. It’s just that. . .” She struggled to find the right words. “I just never considered the idea that you’d see me as a threat.”

  His eyes widened for a moment, and then he threw back his head and laughed. “Threat? You couldn’t be more wrong. I talked to Raymond because I wanted to confirm what I’d already decided about you.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “And what had you decided?”

  “That I liked you the minute Ash told us about you at breakfast this morning. You and I are going to be great friends.”

  She stared at him, dumbfounded. She swallowed and forced herself to speak. “I don’t understand.”

  He chuckled, took her hand, and looped it through his bent arm again. “I’ve dedicated my entire adult life to building up my company so I can pass it on to my sons. Ash has rebelled against entering the business for years. All he wanted was to be a soldier. I gave in and agreed for him to join the army, but I never expected him to stay in for six years.”

  “But he’s home now, and he’s decided to work with you and Richard.”

  Mr. DeHan nodded. “Thanks to you. Ever since he’s been home, he’s talked about joining a group called Firebrand, and I expected him to leave any day. I think he would have if he hadn’t met you. I want to thank you for helping him face up to his responsibilities in this family.”

  Lainey stopped walking and turned to face Mr. DeHan. “He’s told me about Firebrand. I have to admit it sounded dangerous to me.”

  “If what Ash has told me is true, it’s going to be a highly dangerous venture. I don’t want my son ending up dead because of some hair-brained scheme he and his two army buddies came up with. It’s just the kind of thing Ash has wanted to do since he was a boy. So I’m thankful you came along. Any woman who can tame my son has to be special. I’m looking forward to getting to know you better.”

  Mr. DeHan’s description of Firebrand sounded much more dangerous than the way Ash had described it. The thought that he might still want to join his friends frightened her. Lainey’s knees wobbled, and she tightened her grip on his arm as she took an unsteady step. “But he’s not going to join the group now, is he?”

  Mr. DeHan shook his head. “Not now. He’s come to his senses and taken his place at DeHan Enterprises. Thank you for making that happen.”

  She stared into his dark eyes. “You don’t need to thank me. I haven’t tamed Ash as you seem to think, and I doubt if he ever will be. But I promise you that I will love him.”

  “That’s all I can ask,” he said. “And please, call me Edward.”

  She stared up at the stars, and they twinkled, their brilliance lighting up the night sky. Mr. DeHan walked quietly beside her, and she didn’t speak again. But she recognized what

  had just happened between the two of them. She had just been tested by Edward DeHan to determine if she was the right woman for his son, and evidently she had passed with flying colors.

  Chapter 8

  Two hours later Ash sat on the sofa in Lainey’s family room with a bowl of popcorn in his lap and waited for her to bring soft drinks from the kitchen. He couldn’t wait for her to tell him what she and his father had talked about on their tour of the stables. He’d heard Lainey’s laugh before he saw her when she and his father had reentered the house earlier. When they’d walked in the den, she’d been smiling as if his father had just told a funny joke that the two of them alone shared.

  The biggest surprise of all was that his father was also smiling. Ash couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen his father with a genuine smile. Evidently Lainey had charmed him, which didn’t surprise Ash. She’d certainly done that to him, and from the way Richard had looked at her all evening, his brother had come under her spell, too. The thought of Richard being attracted to Lainey rankled Ash. He loved his brother, but he’d been serious when he’d told Lainey she was his.

  He glanced up as she dropped on the sofa next to him and set the drinks on the coffee table. He reached out before she could settle back into the cushions and pulled her over close to him. Her face glowed, and he brought her hand to his lips and kissed her palm.


  She snuggled closer and smiled. “Incredibly so,” she sighed. “I never thought I could feel this way.”

  “Me, either. I thought tonight went well. My father and brother really liked you.”

  “I hope so. They both were very nice to me.”

  They sat in silence for a few minutes as he let his gaze travel over her face. His heart pounded at the thought that this woman loved him, but he couldn’t help worrying. Ever since he was a child, he’d had a knack for messing up anything good that came into his life, and he didn’t want that to happen with Lainey.

  She tilted her head to one side. “What are you thinking?”

  He tugged her onto his lap. She laid her head on his shoulder, and the fruity smell of her shampoo drifted up. Staring down at her, he let his hand run through the silky strands of her hair. “I hope I didn’t put any pressure on you last night. Maybe we should have waited to take this relationship to the next level.”

  She sighed and leaned back against him. “It’s a little late for second thoughts.”

  “I know, but I promised myself I’d go slowly. We’ve only really known each other a few weeks, but I want this to last a lifetime. I don’t want to ever do anything that will cause you to regret loving me.”

  Lainey twisted in his arms and trailed her finger down his cheek. “I could never regret loving you. It’s the most wonderful thing that’s ever happened to me. I’ve been alone for so long, and now I have you. But there is one thing I think we need to promise each other.”

  “What’s that?”

  “That we’ll always be honest with each other. A good relationship has to have trust,”

  He leaned up and placed his lips in a soft kiss on hers. “I couldn’t agree with you more.”

  “Then will you be honest with me if I ask you something right now.”

  He pulled back and stared at her. “What is it?”

  She bit down on her lip for a moment, and he had the feeling that he wasn’t going to like what she was about to say. Finally she took a deep breath. “Are you still considering whether or not to join your friends in Firebrand?”

  His entire body stiffened, and he stared at her unblinking. Then he set her off his lap and pushed to his feet. He raked his hand through his hair and stood. “Why are you asking me this?”

  “Because your father thanked me tonight for helping you make the decision to work with him, but I don’t know if that’s only temporary. After last night, I think I deserve
to know what your plans are.”

  His mouth pulled down in a sneer. “And just what did my father tell you?”

  She rose to her feet and faced him. “He said you wanted to be a part of Firebrand, but he’s afraid for you. I am, too, after talking to him. How much danger would you be in if you were a part of it?”

  He started to downplay her concerns, but he’d promised her he’d be honest. He had to make her understand. “No more so than being in combat, but it would be a different kind of warfare. Our missions would be carried out under the radar.”

  Her hand clutched at her throat. “Why would you want to do something like that?”

  He took her hand in both of his and bit down on his lip for a moment before he responded. “There’s a need for a group to do the work that the government would ask of Firebrand, but I knew it wasn’t going to be an easy decision for me. My father has never let me forget I’m a DeHan, and I’m expected to enter the family business. So Reese and Colt told me to come home and think about it before I decided. That’s what I’d been doing before I met you.”

  “Since you and your two friends were the ones the CIA sought out as the organizers, I assume you’d be a leader in the group. Tell me more about these missions that would be under the radar?”

  He shrugged. “Hostage recovery when Americans have been kidnapped by terrorist groups, supporting American soldiers abroad, destroying operations by groups intent on performing acts of terrorism on American soil. Stuff like that.”

  A worried expression filled her eyes, and she swallowed. “That sounds very dangerous. If the government isn’t going to publicly sanction these missions, what would happen if there were trouble? I mean, would there be protection for the men in the group?”

  He shook his head. “We’d be on our own. Since the three of us had such outstanding records in battle and for protecting our men, they chose us to head up the group.”

  Her forehead wrinkled, and she took a deep breath. “You didn’t make it sound so dangerous when you told me about it before. Why not?”

  “Because at the time we were just getting to know each other, and I still hadn’t made a decision about what I was going to do.”

  Her face grew pale, and her tongue licked at her parted lips. “Are you going to join them?”

  He tried to laugh, but it came out as a choking sound. “I told my father I’d take my place at DeHan Enterprises.”

  She squeezed his hand tighter. “But do you want to go?”

  He pulled her down to the sofa and drew her against him. Did he want to go? He’d no sooner asked himself the question than he knew the answer. Of course he wanted to go. He’d wanted it from the very first time it had been mentioned. It was all he’d thought about for months. All he’d planned on. Then the unexpected happened. He’d met Lainey.

  He’d lain awake many nights trying to figure out how he could have both, Firebrand and Lainey. He couldn’t figure a way, and she’d won out. He couldn’t imagine his life without her. If that meant he had to work at DeHan Enterprises for the rest of his life, that’s what he’d do.

  She snuggled closer to him and laid her head on his chest. His pulse increased as he stroked her hair and tried to decide what to say. Finally he sighed.

  “What difference does it make?” he began. “If Reese and Colt are able to get all the plans worked out, Firebrand won’t even be operational until September, if even then.” He smiled and hugged her closer. “By then, I hope we’re planning a wedding, and I’m getting ready to settle down with a gorgeous wife who’s going to give me lots of babies.”

  Her body stilled, and she sat up and stared at him in shock. “What?” Her squeal made him wince—and smile. “Married?”

  He chucked her under the chin. “Haven’t I told you my plans? Well, if I have my way, this courtship we’re in won’t last very long, and we’ll make it legal.” Her mouth still hung open, and he rested his forehead against hers. “I want to give you a summer that you’ll never forget, and then I want to marry you and spend the rest of my life with you. What do you say to that?”

  She still hadn’t moved, and he swallowed. He hadn’t even considered that she might not want what he wanted. His breath hitched as she slowly wrapped her arms around his neck, tilted her head to one side, and stared up at him. “Did you ever stop to consider what I want? Of course not, because you’re still just as arrogant and cocky as you were when you were in high school. But putting that aside, I have to tell you that I love you anyway. I think you’ve just made me an offer I can’t refuse.”

  He arched an eyebrow. “Arrogant and cocky, huh?” He tightened his arms around her. “Then I guess I’m lucky you love me enough to overlook those little character flaws.”

  She laughed, and he covered her mouth with his in a kiss that he hoped told her how much he really did love her. As the kiss grew more heated, he eased her down until they lay on the sofa, lost in the wonder of the passion they shared. Here in this moment, Firebrand didn’t matter. Lainey mattered, and nothing else. The life he wanted with her. And when the memory of what had once been his dream threatened to intrude on this moment, he pushed Firebrand from his mind and surrendered to the flames of love that Lainey had ignited in his heart.

  Chapter 9

  Three Months Later

  Lainey swallowed in an attempt to calm her churning stomach as Ash pulled the car to a stop in the parking lot of the restaurant and swiveled in his seat to face her. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  She pulled down the sun visor, and the mirror on the back of it lit up. Leaning forward, she checked her hair and makeup. So far so good, but she knew when she stepped from the car, the late-August temperature would wilt the hairdo she’d spent hours perfecting. Tonight she needed to look her best. She was about to meet Reese Alexander and Colt Hanson, Ash’s two best friends, and she wanted to make a good impression.

  Flipping the visor back into place, she turned to Ash. “I’m excited about meeting your friends, but I don’t want to put a damper on your last night with them.”

  He draped his arm over the steering wheel and smiled at her. “I’m really glad you came. I want you to meet them. They’re more than friends. They’re like brothers. I hope you won’t be bored with all the guy talk.”

  She shook her head. “Don’t worry about me. Richard said that if I see that it’s getting late and the three of you are showing no signs of calling it a night, I can call him to come get me.”

  Ash’s eyebrows pulled down in a frown. “Yeah, he’d just love having you to himself for a while.”

  Lainey’s mouth dropped open, and she stared at Ash. “What are you talking about?”

  Ash waved his hand in dismissal. “Oh, come on, Lainey. You know Richard’s been in love with you ever since I brought you home to dinner. I see how he looks at you, but I trust him. He’s my brother and would never try anything with you behind my back. If I thought he would, I wouldn’t let him within ten feet of you.”

  In love with her? Ash was crazy. Richard had been nothing but kind to her since the night they met. “Don’t say things like that about Richard. He’d never do anything to hurt you.”

  “I know. Like I said, I trust him.” Ash took a deep breath, chuckled as if to clear the air of any friction, and inclined his head toward the restaurant. “Of course I don’t know about these two guys waiting for us. I may have to be on my guard all night to keep them from monopolizing your time.”

  She laughed and swatted at his arm. “Quit teasing me. I’m nervous about this. They’re your best friends. What if they don’t like me? What if they think you could do better?”

  “They’ll love you,” he said with a twinkle in his eye, “but not too much, or they’ll answer to me.” He laughed, and then a somber expression covered his face. “Seriously, though, I am glad you’re with me. After all these guys and I have been through together, it’s going to be tough knowing this is the last time we’ll be together for who knows how long. But with Reese and Col
t leaving for South America in a few days, I’m glad they took the time to come to St. Claire so we could have a farewell dinner.”

  Lainey reached over and covered Ash’s hand with hers. “Are you sure you’re okay with them going without you?”

  He leaned closer and planted a soft kiss on her lips. “I’m fine. They understand.” He linked his fingers with hers and lifted her hand.A light in the parking lot shone through the car window, causing the diamond of her engagement ring to sparkle. “Besides,” he said, “I’m about to become a married man with responsibilities to you and to my father.”

  Lainey kissed his cheek. “I never dreamed last Christmas that I’d be getting married on Christmas Eve this year. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to believe it.”

  “Believe it,” he murmured. “The wedding is only three months away, and you’re not getting away from me.” He pressed his lips to her forehead and kissed her once more before he straightened and opened the car door. “We’d better get inside. Reese and Colt will think we’re not coming.”

  She grabbed his arm to stop him before he could get out of the car. “Ash, we promised we’d be honest with each other. I need you to do that now.”

  “About what?” he asked.

  “About Firebrand. Reese and Colt are getting ready to go to a jungle in South America to train for fourteen months, and they’d planned on you going with them. Are you sure you’re not sorry you aren’t going?”

  He turned to her, put his hands on her shoulders, and squeezed. “No, babe. I made the decision to stay here, and they understand this is my choice. Now don’t worry. Let’s go in and have a good time.”

  She took a deep breath, stepped from the car, and walked toward the entrance. Her steps grew heavier the closer they came to the building. She’d been worried about this dinner for weeks. It stood to reason that the two men Ash had shared life and death experiences with for years wanted him to be a part of what they’d planned to start together. And if it weren’t for her, Ash would be joining them. Her stomach clenched every time the thought popped into her head that Ash might also hold her responsible for his decision in years to come. But he had promised to be honest with her, and she had to accept what he’d said.